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改变习惯就能增寿20年 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2011-10-31
— 本帖被 幸福大叔 设置为精华(2012-02-06) —
                              Easy Ways to Add 20 Years to Your Life  轻松增寿20年的方法


If you think that how long you’ll live is based on how long your grandparents and parents live, you’re only partly right. While genetics certainly have an impact, you have more control than you might assume. “By the time you turn 55, only about 30% of how quickly you age is based on your genes, as compared to 50% when you’re younger—the rest is due to your lifestyle choices,” says Michael Roizen, MD, chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic. To figure out about how many years certain habits can add to your life, Dr. Roizen created the RealAge test, which uses data from hundreds of studies by groups including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Center for Health Statistics. With his help, we’ve gathered the most important habits and estimated how much longer each one may extend your life.

                    Add 2.2 years: Walk 30 minutes a day   每天步行30分钟,可以增寿2.2年


This is crucial to keeping your weight steady and lowering your risk of heart disease and diabetes, but fitting in a solid half-hour can be tricky. Just as good (and easier) is weaving in that 30 minutes throughout your day; wearing a pedometer can help you stay on track. Research from the Stanford University School of Medicine shows that people who wear one take an extra 2,000 steps (about 1 mile) a day. “Having that pedometer makes you honest with yourself, so you really know how much you’re moving,” adds Dr. Roizen

                  Add 5.6 years: Get up and move!   起床并活动 可以增寿5.6年


Just as important as getting in that 30 minutes of walking is making your overall daily life more active. Getting a full 100 minutes of movement a day is what gives you the biggest health benefits. An easy way to do that: Get up and move any time you’re usually sedentary—during TV commercials, for example. The average commercial break lasts for 2 to 3 minutes—plenty of time for you to work in a few mini moves like squats, jumping jacks or biceps curls (keep a set of free weights under your couch), or even just a few quick laps around the den.
Research shows that people who do the most sitting have an increased risk of heart disease. This is because sitting for long periods of time allows fat to continue circulating in your bloodstream longer, which in turn slows the ability of HDL (the “good” cholesterol) to clear plaque from your arteries.

                Add 3 years: Go to bed 15 minutes earlier   早睡15分,可以增寿3年


This will help you get an extra 7.5 hours of shut-eye over the course of a month. “Sleep is profoundly important,” says David Katz, MD, director of the Prevention Research Center at the Yale University School of Medicine. “It’s when every organ and system in your body repairs, restores and resets itself. Not getting enough sleep compromises how well your entire body functions.” Although everyone’s sleep needs are different, experts say that regularly getting less than 7 hours per night is what starts to have a negative impact.

                      Add 1.8 years: Do some strength training   做些力量训练可增寿1.8年


Getting your heart pumping is important, but since strength training (lifting weights, exercising with resistance bands) builds muscle, it boosts your metabolism long-term, helping to protect against diabetes and heart disease. Weight-bearing activities also strengthen your bones, which lowers your osteoporosis risk. One study even found that after six months of twice-weekly, hour-long strength workouts, healthy older men and women (average age 70) were able to reverse signs of aging in their cells to levels similar to those seen in adults in their 20s and 30s. But you don’t have to do that much exercise to get the health benefits. Aim for a 20-minute session twice a week.

   Alyssa Shaffer, Woman's Day         2011年10月26日 星期三  转自 yahoo
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