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- bisic emotions 基本情绪
2022-11-12 - 回复:0,人气:3037 - 情绪
Basic Emotion Theory Basic emotion theory has been very influential for more than half a century, p
- How a long-forgotten virus could help us solve the antibiotics crisis一直忽略病毒可以治病
2022-09-28 - 回复:0,人气:2722 - 躯体physical health
How a long-forgotten virus could help us solve the antibiotics crisis Viruses have a bad reputat
- 10 things you didn't know about orgasm人们不知道的性高潮十个情节
2022-09-19 - 回复:0,人气:3051 - 躯体physical health
10 things you didn't know about orgasm "Bonk" author Mary Roach delves into obscure
- How our microbes make us who we are微生物如何使我们成为我们自己
2022-09-16 - 回复:0,人气:2666 - 躯体physical health
How our microbes make us who we are Rob Knight is a pioneer in studying human microbes, the comm
- The mysterious science of pain 疼痛的科学解释
2022-09-14 - 回复:0,人气:2783 - 神经元
The mysterious science of pain In 1995, the British Medical Journal published a report about a bui
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- Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How ..
2022-08-10 - 回复:2,人气:2398 - 神经元
Jack Qiu, Translator Owen Chen, Reviewer 00:00 2014年6月12日 下午3:33分那一刻 在巴西圣保罗的一个- Strange answers to the psychopath test
2022-08-09 - 回复:1,人气:2411 - 神经元
Strange answers to the psychopath test 28,242,594 views | Jon Ronson • TED2012 Timothy Covell,- Growing evidence of brain plasticity大脑可塑 ..
2022-08-08 - 回复:1,人气:2574 - 神经元
Growing evidence of brain plasticity 591,044 views | Michael Merzenich • TED2004 00:00 T- The mysterious workings of the adolescent bra ..
2022-07-29 - 回复:1,人气:947 - 认知
The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain 3,833,341 views | Sarah-Jayne Blakemore • TE