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养生和焦虑 Health and anxiety  by hauncle [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-04-07

I was Retired few years ago at home naturally thought of health and longevity. From diet to exercise to sleep, all the observable objective issues are on the agenda.Only the psychological effects were not considered.

My sleep has been very good, probably genetic reasons, my family several siblings sleep very well too.But once I had an allergic rhinitis attack, the most serious of which was allergic asthma, and I suddenly felt the fear of life.You know what? Breathing difficulties, can not go to the hospital by car.But within a short time, the asthma disappeared in the way to hospital. After that day, I couldn't sleep as well as usual, only slept 5 ~ 6 hours at night. It's hard to breathe during the day. Later I gradually found that when I was talking to people, or meeting friends, or busy with housework, my asthma disappeared. This discovery, after my summary, seems to be a bit of a rule:

When you're sick, you can't focus on the illness, although it's spontaneously stick to the illness when you're sick, and the mind itself will remind you that, but you must realize that : it's only by ritualizing and timing other things that you can eliminate the anxiety of the illness.To ritualize, to time, to do something else, to put yourself into it, to put your heart into it, is the best way to relax, is to interrupt and rest. When ill, having rituals and having time to do other things is naturally the best way to rest and heal.

Another time, I was concentrating on writing. I was probably too absorbed in it. I couldn't sleep well for several days.Because sleep is bad, do not have spirit during the day, abandon fitness activity then, do not fitness, not tired, sleep is worse.Come so, the life habit that accumulates at ordinary times was disturbed, the body recovers slower. Later, I also took advantage of the disease thinking, I take what should do, can not directly conflict with the disease, hard work, according to the normal rhythm and habits of life.He soon recovered.

Sometimes, I find some elderly friends, encounter sleep problems, encounter chronic diseases, is also very tortured.Yes, it is normal to have anxiety due to poor sleep and poor health.But in addition to taking medicine according to what the doctor says, rest and health maintenance should not be in conflict with each other. Health maintenance is not only about diet, rest and sleep, physical exercise, but also about mental health.See music master zhou xiaoyan teach and educate people all her life, enjoy the job pleasure of creation, live to be nearly 100 years old.Longevity can be met can not be sought, too much attention to health is actually health anxiety suspicion, on the contrary adverse to health, because the body's immune system is happy and relax to activate and play a role.Taking medicine only requires the cooperation of epidemic prevention system.

I observed some old friends who lived a long time and found that they did some housework even when they were ill.Because it's a necessary chore of life.I have seen similar research articles saying that people who do housework live longer.The truth is, even if sick, still follow the usual rhythm of life, is against anxiety.Compared with some patients, there are some minor diseases or chronic diseases. They often like to doing nothing at home but waiting for someone to do housework for them,such as hiring a maid, in fact physically they can do that housework by themselves.they don't know It's not the good way to get healthy.

Too much focus on health and longevity is actually an anxiety, as well as a psychological problem or mental illness.It's not good for your health or your regimen.The establishment of a correct concept of health is an important guarantee of health.

Friday, April 5, 2019

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