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What The Hell Are They Thinking?100个有争议的核心观念 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2022-08-13

Politics Chapter

1. Should we legalize marijuana?
2. How similar are the far-left and the far-right?
3. Should the US accept refugees?
4. Is China the next superpower?
5. The perspective on gun control
6. The perspective on Donald Trump
7. Do protests work?
8. America first? Should the US intervene militarily in foreign conflicts?
9. The perspective on Putin
10. Should Black Lives Matter fight for all lives?
11. The perspective on single-payer health care
12. Should the First Amendment cover racism and hate speech?
13. Should Puerto Rico become the 51st state?
14. The perspective on gerrymandering
15. The perspective on the United Nations
16. Edward Snowden - hero or traitor?

Living Chapter

17. Is happiness a choice?
18. Is there life after death?
19. Is there life outside Earth?
20. The perspective on having kids
21. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
22. Should adopted children be involved with their birth families?
23. Cats or dogs: who makes a better companion?
24. City vs. suburbs: where is better to live?
25. Are humans inherently violent?
26. Is fear beneficial or damaging to our lives?
27. Is honesty the best policy?
28. The perspective on time - is it linear or cyclical
29. The perspective on religion
30. The perspective on working from home

Entertainment Chapter

31. Harry Potter vs. Harry Potter: are the books better than the movies?
32. Do artists with seriously questionable morals deserve fame?
33. Should celebrities expect privacy?
34. Hamilton - overrated or worth the hype?
35. (Titanic) Could Jack have been saved?
36. The Kardashians: inspiring or damaging to women?
37. The perspective on binge-watching
38. The perspective on Fox News
39. Throwback TV: Seinfeld or Friends?
40. Which is better: Star Wars vs. Star Trek?

Society Chapter

41. The perspective on animal testing
42. Is the death penalty justified or should it be abolished?
43. The perspective on fracking
44. Social welfare: do its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
45. The perspective on the royal family
46. Can people change their minds?
47. The perspective on political correctness
48. Can the use of torture be justified?
49. Should we negotiate with terrorists?
50. The perspective on circumcision
51. Should we depend on fossil fuels or renewable energy?
52. The perspective on abortion
53. Does reverse racism exist in America?
54. Should prostitution be legalized?
55. Should the burqa be banned?
56. Should convicted criminals have the right to vote?
57. The perspective on surrogacy
58. The perspective on unions
59. Do vegans have the moral high ground?
60. Are whistleblowers heroes or traitors?
61. Should women serve in combat units?

Sports Chapter

62. Is Roger Federer the best tennis player of all time?
63. Are the NFL "Concussion Rules" ruining the game?
64. Messi or Ronaldo - who is truly the best?
65. Should college athletes get paid?
66. Should sports betting be legal?
67. Should women compete against men in sports?
68. Lebron vs. Jordan: Who's the greatest of all time?
69. Should instant replays (VAR) be used in sports?
70. Should the NHL ban fighting in hockey?

History Chapter

71. The perspective on Diana, Princess of Wales
72. The perspective on Christopher Columbus
73. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Plain evil or necessary evil?
74. The perspective on Che Guevara
75. The perspective on Donald Reagan

Finance Chapter

76. Should we raise taxes on the rich?
77. Should we raise the minimum wage?
78. The perspective on Bitcoin
79. Are entrepreneurs born or made?
80. The perspective on the American dream
81. Should you fly traditional or low-cost airlines?
82. Is home ownership still worthwhile?

Education Chapter

83. Redshirting: should parents delay kindergarten for a year?
84. The perspective on school uniforms
85. How great is 'great literature' if it needs to be studied to be understood?
86. Should we allow smartphones in school?
87. Should we distribute condoms in high schools

Health Chapter

88. Are antidepressants a good solution?
89. Is obesity a disease?
90. Milk: Is it healthy or harmful to drink?
91. Are vaccines safe or risky for your kids?
92. Are vitamin supplements helpful or harmful?
93. The perspective on cosmetic surgery

Technology Chapter

94. The perspective on Jeff Bezos
95. The perspective on digital marketing
96. Can Facebook maintain dominance?
97. The perspective on Steve Jobs
98. IOS or Android - which smartphone is better?
99. The perspective on Elon Musk
100. The perspective on Google

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Product details
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09CV8B2VX
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Perspective Media (September 13, 2021)
Publication date ‏ : ‎ September 13, 2021
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 2598 KB
Simultaneous device usage ‏ : ‎ Unlimited
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 597 pages
Lending ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #85,563 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
#3 in Personal & Private Investigation Education & Reference
#3 in Public Policy Immigration
#5 in Social Theory


1. 我们应该使大麻合法化吗?
2. 极左和极右有多相似?
3. 美国应该接受难民吗?
4. 中国是下一个超级大国吗?
5. 枪支管制的观点
6. 对唐纳德·特朗普的看法
7. 抗议有效吗?
8. 美国优先?美国应该对外国冲突进行军事干预吗?
9. 对普京的看法
10. Black Lives Matter 是否应该为所有生命而战?
11. 单一支付者医疗保健的观点
12. 第一修正案是否应该涵盖种族主义和仇恨言论?
13. 波多黎各是否应该成为第 51 个州?
14. 对选区划分的看法
15. 对联合国的看法
16. 爱德华·斯诺登——英雄还是叛徒?


19. 地球以外有生命吗?
20. 生孩子的观点
22. 收养的孩子是否应该与他们的亲生家庭有关?
23. 猫或狗:谁是更好的伴侣?
24. 城市与郊区:哪里更适合居住?
25. 人类天生就暴力吗?
26. 恐惧对我们的生活有益还是有害?
27. 诚实是最好的策略吗?
28. 时间观——是线性的还是周期性的
29. 宗教观
30. 在家工作的观点


31. Harry Potter vs. Harry Potter:书比电影好吗?
32. 道德严重有问题的艺术家值得成名吗?
34. 汉密尔顿 - 被高估还是值得炒作?
36. 卡戴珊:对女性是鼓舞还是伤害?
37. 暴饮暴食的观点
39. 复古电视:宋飞还是老友记?
40. 哪个更好:星球大战与星际迷航?


42. 死刑是正当的还是应该废除的?
43. 水力压裂的观点
46. 人们可以改变主意吗?
48. 使用酷刑是否合理?
49. 我们应该与恐怖分子谈判吗?
50. 割礼的观点
51. 我们应该依赖化石燃料还是可再生能源?
52. 对堕胎的看法
53. 美国是否存在反向种族主义?
54. 卖淫应该合法化吗?
55. 罩袍应该被禁止吗?
58. 对工会的看法
59. 素食主义者有道德制高点吗?
61. 女性应该在战斗部队中服役吗?


62. 罗杰·费德勒是有史以来最好的网球运动员吗?
63. NFL“脑震荡规则”会毁了比赛吗?
64. 梅西或罗纳尔多——谁才是真正最好的?
66. 体育博彩应该合法吗?
67. 女性应该在运动中与男性竞争吗?
68. 勒布朗 vs. 乔丹:谁是史上最伟大的球员?
69. 即时回放 (VAR) 是否应该在体育赛事中使用?
70. NHL 是否应该禁止在曲棍球比赛中打架?


71. 戴安娜王妃的观点
73. 广岛和长崎爆炸:普通的邪恶还是必要的邪恶?
75. 对唐纳德·里根的看法


76. 我们应该对富人增税吗?
77. 我们应该提高最低工资吗?
78. 对比特币的看法
79. 企业家是天生的还是后天的?
81. 你应该乘坐传统航空公司还是低成本航空公司?
82. 自置居所还值得吗?


86. 我们应该允许在学校使用智能手机吗?


88. 抗抑郁药是一个好的解决方案吗?
90. 牛奶:喝对健康有害吗?
91. 疫苗对您的孩子安全还是有风险?
92. 维生素补充剂是有益还是有害?
93. 对整容手术的看法


94. 对杰夫·贝佐斯的看法
95. 数字营销的观点
96. Facebook 能否保持主导地位?
97. 对史蒂夫乔布斯的看法
98. IOS 或 Android - 哪个智能手机更好?
99. 对埃隆马斯克的看法
100. 对谷歌的看法
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